
Komeda's Coffee Shop

Komeda’s Coffee Shop is popular in Nagoya. Almost everyone in Nagoya likes this shop.
Komeda’s Coffee Shop is famous for Morning Special. If you order a cup of coffee or something, you can eat toast and a boiled egg for free. A Morning Special service is available from when the shop opens, until 11 o’clock.
Komeda’s Coffee Shop has many desserts, soft ice cream, coffee jelly, and stuff like that.
The most famous dessert is ‘Shironowa-ru’. It is soft ice cream on a Danish pastry. This is 590 yen. It’s really yummy. If you go to Komeda’s Coffee, you should try it.

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  2. I think your blog is very good because you use easy words and I can understand what you say clearly.

    I want to go to Comeda and eat Shironowa-ru hahaha.
